multilayer weave and weave interchange

Woven fabric is a result of three collaborated movements perpendicular to each other: movements on the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. The warp ( • ) is an one-way movement on the x-axis; the weft (↔) moves leftward and rightward on the y-axis, and shafts of a loom moves upward and downward ( ↕ ) on the z-axis. With these movements, the technique of weaving is capable of creating threedimensional form.
‘Double weaves are fabrics that have two separate layers that can be
locked at both sides, at one side, or within the fabrics, at any number of
places where the design asks for an exchange of top and bottom layers,
usually of different colors’
-Anni Albers

Paper models of double weave in separate two layers

Double weave structure
This project focused on studying one of the spatial structures— multilayer weave, and its variation— multilayer weave interchange to explore the dimensionality in weaving. Various methods such as illustrating and paper-modelling are adopted in the process of research, enabling me to look into these threedimensional structures in detail and from various angles.

A horizontal double weave interchange paper model
Visual analysis of interlacing notation

The side views of Multilayer weave and weave interchanges

Triple weaves with one interchange (the top part) and two interchanges

Quadruple weaves with one interchange or two interchanges

Decuple weave with varied numbers of interchanges

Year: 2021
Dimensions: differ from each piece
Material: Copper, cotton, linen, wool, mohair
Techniques: Weaving